In 1917, on this day, the great february revolution broke out in Russia. It was the working women of St. Petersburg who began this revolution;it was they who first decided to raise the banner of opposition of the Tsar and his associates.
Women have the courage to change the course of mankind's history. We have read of such women from mythical and historical times and seen them shape our world in modern times, too. One cannot really forget reading legends of the Biblical warrior Deborah, Queen of Sheba, or our own epic character Draupadi, or for that matter the history lessons on Rani Lakshmibai, Razia Sultan, cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Mary-Queen of Scouts, Elizabeth I, to the more modern women prime minister Golda Meir, Sirimavo Bandarnaike and Indira Gandhi.
There can be no true democracy, no true people's participation in governance and development without equal participation of women and men in all sphere of life and at all levels of decision making. The goals of development cannot be attained without women's full participation not only in the development process but also in shaping its goals. Women's participation is changing the world in which we live by bringing new priorities and perspectives to the political process and the organisation of society. Bringing new insight and contributions to all issues will lead to enrichment and shift the focus and content of discourse in politics and society to include wider range of views for socio-economic development of countries.
We don't accomplish anything in this world alone and whatever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one's life. As Martina Navratilova put it some time back. "I think the key [to success] is for women to not set any limits."
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